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GARMIN EDGE 705のファームウェアv2.50が出ています

GARMIN EDGE 705のファームウェアバージョン2.50がリリースされていました。



# Fixed issue with long routes shutting down.


# Fixed inaccurate elevation when moving to and from areas with distinctly different altitudes or atmospheric pressures.


# Fixed barometer initialization issues in situations where the unit is turned off and back on within 5 minutes in the same location.


【送料・代引手数料無料】Edge 705 心拍計、回転計付き


【送料・代引手数料無料】Edge 705チーム・ガーミンモデル【オレンジ×ブルー】心拍計、回転計付き


Changes made from version 2.40 to 2.50:

  • Implemented change to allow the user to access Map Setup option for tracks which will allow showing that track on a map, and what color to display it in.
  • Added ability to set Off-Route Recalculation behavior in Routing menu. User can set it to Automatic, Off, or Prompted.
  • Fixed issue with long routes shutting down.
  • Fixed issue where Autopause and Start/Stop were not getting saved into the History files. This could also cause Courses created from this History to not register these times.
  • Fixed issue where History files would occasionally not upload due to misaligned data.
  • Fixed inaccurate elevation when moving to and from areas with distinctly different altitudes or atmospheric pressures.
  • Fixed random elevation spike in the first few track points.
  • Added the ability to delete tracks.
  • Fixed issue where speed would drop to 0 going through turns.
  • Fixed issue where viewing a Course on a map went to the wrong location.
  • Fixed barometer initialization issues in situations where the unit is turned off and back on within 5 minutes in the same location.
  • Fixed issue with Course List where actions could be applied to the wrong Course.
  • Fixed issue where course guidance lines were drawn on top of roads.
  • Fixed issue with repeated Autopausing when using a wheel sensor.
  • Fixed issue with creating a Workout with Spanish language selected.
  • Improved German translations.