Changes made from version 2.50 to 2.60:
- Fixed occasional issue with Edge shutting down when scrolling through Saved Rides.
- Fixed occasional issue with Edge shutting down when Mode button was pressed while following a Course.
- Fixed issue where user could not change vertical zoom scale for a Course profile.
- Fixed a problem where indoor rides in History could slow down access to Where To? menu.
- Fixed issue with Advanced Workouts not showing up under Today when the workout is scheduled for the current day.
- Fixed issue where sometimes the most recent History would not be written out to XML until disconnecting and reconnecting USB.
- Corrected the Average Power value shown for Entire Ride in History.
- Removed filtering from power data stored in History files.
- Made some corrections to the Polish and Portuguese languages.
【送料・代引手数料無料】Edge 705 心拍計、回転計付き
【送料・代引手数料無料】Edge 705チーム・ガーミンモデル【オレンジ×ブルー】心拍計、回転計付き